Sunday, January 31, 2010

Derby Skates China Roller Derby Roller Skates - Help Needed?

Roller Derby roller skates - help needed? - derby skates china

This does not seem to find any information about them, so I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

Son of "Roller Derby", a roller skate (Non Skate / Inline Skating in) with 2 rear, 2 front panel, a bumper / brakes at the end.

Boot black rims yellow. Laced Design (7 buttonholes) and a power strap, as in earlier versions of Flash and Rollerblade TRS skates. Not sure of the ball, but turning around a Abec-3.

I did not skate on roller skates in the year. Any tips?

Low-top, as if they were designed for a guard. Since he has no model number anywhere, but inside the box says: "All artificial materials. Made in Taiwan ROC (Republic of China to ask for.)

I hope someone can help .. even if only a telephone company, but the more knowledge I can provide, the more I appreciate it. Thank you for your time!


julieisb... said...

But what is primarily intended? If the Skate it has, it's worth it if nothing to see? These drivers will try to hunt and buy?

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